(Top left to bottom right) Will Swanson, Ian Petrie, Ani Kasten, Janel Jacobson, Joseph Delphia, Ryan J Greenheck, and Adero Willard.
Greenheck Ceramics will be hosting its annual Holiday Studio Sale (Philadelphia Pottery Invitational) Online this Year. Here is our lineup of guest and the website links where you can shop the Artist:
Adero Willard: https://aderowillard.com - https://www.etsy.com/shop/AderoWillard
Ani Kasten: https://www.anikasten.com/s/shop
Ian Petrie: https://www.ianmpetrie.com/shop
Janel Jacobson: https://www.sunrisemnpottery.com/janels-shop
Joseph Delphia: https://josephdelphia.com/collections
Ryan J Greenheck: https://ryanjgreenheck.com/shop - https://www.etsy.com/shop/Ryanjgreenheck
Will Swanson: https://www.sunrisemnpottery.com/wills-shop